1. only just enough
  2. at par
at parity
at par
on an equal footing Zarf
par value
to issue securities at a premium Fiil
to tie Fiil
to draw level Fiil, Spor
par value
to quote at par Fiil
break-even-point İsim
breakeven point İsim
breakeven point analysis
bond issued at par
to draw at par Fiil
to run aground at par Fiil
to run at par Fiil
to be neck and neck in an election Fiil
privately Zarf
to confabulate Fiil
to lay head together Fiil
to for two people to come together to talk Fiil
to land someone with something Fiil
to leave someone on his own devices Fiil
to leave someone to his own resources Fiil
to leave someone with a problem Fiil
to have someone all to yourself Fiil
to be thrown upon one's own resources Fiil
to be left to one's own resources Fiil
to fall foul of each other Fiil

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